Hey there, fellow parents! It’s time to talk about the latest slang that’s been popping up all over the internet: KAREN! Now, you might think that Karen is just a name, but when your kids say it, they’re actually using it to describe a certain type of person – the type who complains a lot and always wants to speak to the manager.

Basically, when your kid calls someone a Karen, they’re saying that they’re being overly demanding or entitled. It’s like they’re poking fun at someone who’s acting like they’re better than everyone else. And if your kid says “don’t be a Karen,” they’re basically telling someone to calm down and stop being so high-maintenance.

As parents, it’s important for us to understand the latest slang and trends so we can connect with our kids and understand what they’re talking about. But we should also remind our kids to be kind and respectful to others, even if they’re being difficult. After all, nobody wants to be a Karen!


PixelatedDad, the 8-bit gaming guru who's a few pixels short of a full sprite. Despite my age, I'm still young at heart and can often be found playing games that are older than my kids. I've got the reflexes of a sloth and the aim of a blindfolded monkey, but that doesn't stop me from trying to save the pixelated princess. Meet the ultimate multitasker - Pixelated princess saver, Husband, Geek, and proud Dad! When I'm not busy wrangling my two sets of twins (yep #TwinsTwice) or coding away on my computer, taking pictures of the night sky or designing and printing 3d bits of plastic, you can find me snuggling up with my furry sidekick, Doggo McStuffin.

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