Messier Objects

Messier Objects
Messier Objects

The Messier objects are a set of 110 astronomical objects cataloged by the French astronomer Charles Messier. They include galaxies, nebulae, and star clusters.

Below is a table with some basic details for each Messier object:

Messier NumberObject TypeCommon NameConstellationMagSize (arcmin)Notes
M1Supernova RemnantCrab NebulaTaurus8.46.0Remnant of a supernova explosion
M2Globular ClusterMessier 2Aquarius6.316.0Rich globular cluster
M3Globular ClusterMessier 3Canes Venatici6.216.0Bright, dense globular cluster
M4Globular ClusterMessier 4Scorpius5.926.3Contains a strong X-ray source
M5Globular ClusterMessier 5Serpens5.723.1One of the oldest known globular clusters
M6Open ClusterButterfly ClusterScorpius4.220.0Easily visible to the naked eye
M7Open ClusterPtolemy’s ClusterScorpius3.380.0Contains about 80 stars
M8NebulaLagoon NebulaSagittarius6.090.0Active star-forming region
M9Globular ClusterMessier 9Ophiuchus8.412.0Close to the center of the Milky Way
M10Globular ClusterMessier 10Ophiuchus6.420.0Bright globular cluster
M11Open ClusterWild Duck ClusterScutum6.314.0Rich star cluster with dark lanes
M12Globular ClusterMessier 12Ophiuchus6.714.0Contains many variable stars
M13Globular ClusterGreat Hercules ClusterHercules5.820.0Brightest globular cluster in the N. Hem.
M14Globular ClusterMessier 14Ophiuchus7.611.0Contains a planetary nebula
M15Globular ClusterMessier 15Pegasus6.218.0Contains a large number of variable stars
M16NebulaEagle NebulaSerpens6.47.0Star-forming region with Pillars of Creation
M17NebulaOmega NebulaSagittarius6.011.0Active star-forming region
M18Open ClusterMessier 18Sagittarius7.59.0Part of a complex of star clusters
M19Globular ClusterMessier 19Ophiuchus7.217.0Elliptical shape with central bar
M20NebulaTrifid NebulaSagittarius6.328.0Combination of emission and reflection nebulae
M21Open ClusterMessier 21Sagittarius6.513.0Contains about 57 stars
M22Globular ClusterMessier 22Sagittarius5.132.0One of the brightest globular clusters
M23Open ClusterMessier 23Sagittarius6.927.0Open cluster with roughly 150 stars
M24Star CloudSmall Sagittarius Star CloudSagittariusPart of the Milky Way obscured by dust
M25Open ClusterMessier 25Sagittarius4.632.0Bright open cluster with nebulosity
M26Open ClusterMessier 26Scutum8.09.0Open cluster with a dense core
M27Planetary NebulaDumbbell NebulaVulpecula7.48.0Shaped like a prolate spheroid
M28Globular ClusterMessier 28Sagittarius6.811.0Contains RR Lyrae variable stars
M29Open ClusterMessier 29Cygnus7.17.0Loose open cluster with 50 stars
M30Globular ClusterMessier 30Capricornus7.212.0Rich in variable stars
M31GalaxyAndromeda GalaxyAndromeda3.4190.0Largest galaxy in the Local Group
M32GalaxyMessier 32Andromeda8.18.0Satellite galaxy of M31
M33GalaxyTriangulum GalaxyTriangulum5.770.0Member of the Local Group
M34Open ClusterMessier 34Perseus5.535.0Contains about 100 stars
M35Open ClusterMessier 35Gemini5.328.0Rich open cluster with over 200 stars
M36Open ClusterMessier 36Auriga6.014.0Young open cluster
M37Open ClusterMessier 37Auriga5.624.0Rich open cluster with 500 stars
M38Open ClusterMessier 38Auriga6.421.0Contains an associated reflection nebula
M39Open ClusterMessier 39Cygnus4.632.0Part of the Cygnus OB1 association
M40Double StarWinnecke 4Ursa Major9.1Not originally included by Messier
M41Open ClusterMessier 41Canis Major4.538.0Bright open cluster with 100 stars
M42NebulaOrion NebulaOrion4.065.0Emission nebula in the Orion Molecular Cloud
M43NebulaDe Mairan’s NebulaOrion9.020.0Part of the Orion Nebula complex
M44Open ClusterBeehive ClusterCancer3.195.0Bright open cluster with over 1,000 stars
M45Open ClusterPleiadesTaurus1.6110.0Bright and well-known open cluster
M46Open ClusterMessier 46Puppis6.127.0Contains a planetary nebula
M47Open ClusterMessier 47Puppis4.230.0Rich open cluster with 50 stars
M48Open ClusterMessier 48Hydra5.554.0Contains over 80 stars
M49Elliptical GalaxyMessier 49Virgo8.49.0Member of the Virgo Cluster
M50Open ClusterMessier 50Monoceros5.916.0Contains about 200 stars
M51GalaxyWhirlpool GalaxyCanes Venatici8.412.0Interacting galaxy pair
M52Open ClusterMessier 52Cassiopeia6.913.0Rich open cluster with about 200 stars
M53Globular ClusterMessier 53Coma Berenices7.713.0Elliptical globular cluster
M54Globular ClusterMessier 54Sagittarius7.611.0In the Sagittarius Dwarf Elliptical Galaxy
M55Globular ClusterMessier 55Sagittarius7.019.0Rich, dense globular cluster
M56Globular ClusterMessier 56Lyra8.38.0Contains RR Lyrae variable stars
M57Planetary NebulaRing NebulaLyra8.81.4×1.0Formed by expanding shell of ionized gas
M58Spiral GalaxyMessier 58Virgo9.75.5×4.5Part of the Virgo Cluster
M59Elliptical GalaxyMessier 59Virgo9.65.5×4.5Part of the Virgo Cluster
M60Elliptical GalaxyMessier 60Virgo8.87.6×6.2Part of the Virgo Cluster
M61Spiral GalaxyMessier 61Virgo9.76.5×5.9Part of the Virgo Cluster
M62Globular ClusterMessier 62Ophiuchus6.515.0Elliptical globular cluster
M63Spiral GalaxySunflower GalaxyCanes Venatici8.612.6×7.2Also known as the Black Eye Galaxy
M64Spiral GalaxyBlack Eye GalaxyComa Berenices8.59.3×5.4Distinct dark band of absorbing dust
M65Spiral GalaxyMessier 65Leo9.38.0×1.6Part of the Leo Triplet
M66Spiral GalaxyMessier 66Leo8.99.1×4.2Part of the Leo Triplet
M67Open ClusterMessier 67Cancer6.125.0Older than most open clusters
M68Globular ClusterMessier 68Hydra7.811.0Elliptical globular cluster
M69Globular ClusterMessier 69Sagittarius7.67.0Part of the Sagittarius Dwarf Elliptical Galaxy
M70Globular ClusterMessier 70Sagittarius7.97.0Part of the Sagittarius Dwarf Elliptical Galaxy
M71Globular ClusterMessier 71Sagitta7.97.0Unusual for a globular cluster
M72Globular ClusterMessier 72Aquarius9.36.0Elliptical globular cluster
M73AsterismMessier 73Aquarius9.0Asterism of four stars
M74Spiral GalaxyMessier 74Pisces10.010.0×9.4Low surface brightness spiral galaxy
M75Globular ClusterMessier 75Sagittarius8.56.0Elliptical globular cluster
M76Planetary NebulaLittle Dumbbell NebulaPerseus11.12.7×1.8Bipolar planetary nebula
M77Spiral GalaxyMessier 77Cetus8.97.0×6.0Active galactic nucleus
M78Reflection NebulaMessier 78Orion8.38.0Reflection nebula in Orion Molecular Cloud
M79Globular ClusterMessier 79Lepus7.79.0Elliptical globular cluster
M80Globular ClusterMessier 80Scorpius7.38.9Rich globular cluster with a central bar
M81Spiral GalaxyBode’s GalaxyUrsa Major6.921.0×11.0Interacting galaxy pair with M82
M82Irregular GalaxyCigar GalaxyUrsa Major8.411.0×4.4Starburst galaxy with intense star formation
M83Spiral GalaxySouthern Pinwheel GalaxyHydra7.613.1×12.9Barred spiral galaxy
M84Lenticular GalaxyMessier 84Virgo9.15.3×5.1Elliptical galaxy with a dust lane
M85Lenticular GalaxyMessier 85Coma Berenices9.17.1×5.8Elliptical galaxy in the Virgo Cluster
M86Lenticular GalaxyMessier 86Virgo8.98.9×5.8Elliptical galaxy in the Virgo Cluster
M87Elliptical GalaxyVirgo AVirgo8.67.2×6.8Giant elliptical galaxy with a jet
M88Spiral GalaxyMessier 88Coma Berenices9.66.0×4.8Spiral galaxy in the Virgo Cluster
M89Elliptical GalaxyMessier 89Virgo9.85.2×4.9Elliptical galaxy in the Virgo Cluster
M90Spiral GalaxyMessier 90Virgo9.59.0×5.6Spiral galaxy in the Virgo Cluster
M91Spiral GalaxyMessier 91Coma Berenices10.25.5×4.8Spiral galaxy in the Virgo Cluster
M92Globular ClusterMessier 92Hercules6.414.0Bright, compact globular cluster
M93Open ClusterMessier 93Puppis6.022.0Open cluster with about 80 stars
M94Spiral GalaxyMessier 94Canes Venatici8.211.0×9.0Spiral galaxy with a central ring
M95Barred Spiral GalaxyMessier 95Leo9.77.0×5.0Barred spiral galaxy
M96Spiral GalaxyMessier 96Leo9.26.0×5.0Spiral galaxy with a faint outer ring
M97Planetary NebulaOwl NebulaUrsa Major9.93.4×3.3Planetary nebula with a dark “eye”
M98Spiral GalaxyMessier 98Coma Berenices10.19.8×2.8Spiral galaxy with faint arms
M99Spiral GalaxyMessier 99Coma Berenices9.94.8×4.2Spiral galaxy with a bright core
M100Spiral GalaxyMessier 100Coma Berenices9.47.0×6.1Grand design spiral galaxy
M101Spiral GalaxyPinwheel GalaxyUrsa Major7.927.0×26.0Spiral galaxy with prominent arms
M102GalaxySpindle GalaxyDraco9.76.9×2.0Later identified as NGC 5866
M103Open ClusterMessier 103Cassiopeia7.46.0Open cluster with about 40 stars
M104Spiral GalaxySombrero GalaxyVirgo8.09.4×4.6Spiral galaxy with a bright nucleus
M105Elliptical GalaxyMessier 105Leo9.34.8×4.4Elliptical galaxy in the Leo I Group
M106Spiral GalaxyMessier 106Canes Venatici8.418.0×8.4Seyfert II galaxy with an active nucleus
M107Globular ClusterMessier 107Ophiuchus7.913.0Elliptical globular cluster
M108Spiral GalaxyMessier 108Ursa Major10.08.6×2.2Edge-on spiral galaxy
M109Barred Spiral GalaxyMessier 109Ursa Major9.87.0×4.6Barred spiral galaxy
M110Elliptical GalaxyMessier 110Andromeda8.517.0×9.0Satellite galaxy of M31


PixelatedDad, the 8-bit gaming guru who's a few pixels short of a full sprite. Despite my age, I'm still young at heart and can often be found playing games that are older than my kids. I've got the reflexes of a sloth and the aim of a blindfolded monkey, but that doesn't stop me from trying to save the pixelated princess. Meet the ultimate multitasker - Pixelated princess saver, Husband, Geek, and proud Dad! When I'm not busy wrangling my two sets of twins (yep #TwinsTwice) or coding away on my computer, taking pictures of the night sky or designing and printing 3d bits of plastic, you can find me snuggling up with my furry sidekick, Doggo McStuffin.

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